Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information
• Name: Nahid salehi
• Birth: 19/9/1345 Abadan Iran
• Sex: Female
Scientific Degree: Assistant professor of cardiology and echo cardiologist in kermanshah university of medical science Kermanshah ,Iran
• Email: n_ salehi
• Hospital address: Bolvar-e-shaheed beheshti , Imam Ali heart hospital
Tel : 0831 – 8360041
Fax : 0831 – 8360043
1983 = Diploma in mathematics –physic , Ershad high school , Tehran , Iran
1983 – 1990 : Doctor of medicin (MD) , Iran university of medical science , Tehran , Iran
1993 -1997 : speciality in cardiology , Iran university of medical science , Tehran , Iran
1997 – 2008 : Practice and teach as general cardiologist in Imam Ali hospital , Kermanshah
2008 – 2010 : Fellowship of Echo cardiography , Iran university of medical science
Routine Activities:
Educational visiting of hospitalized patients with stagers , interns and residents
Performing Echocardiography(trans thoracic and transeso phageal) exercise test and coronary angiography (more than 2000 coronary angiography since 10 years ago )
Teaching cardiovascular physiopathology and cardiac disease semiology for medical students
Research Experience :
*1990 : MD thesis , Evaluation of cervicitis , diagnosis , and management , score=excellent
*1997 :cardiologist thesis , evaluation of sensitivity and specificity of posterior ECG leads in diagnosis of acute posterior wall MI , score=excellent
*2001 : comparison between apolipoprotein and fibrinogen level in CAD patient's children and non CAD patient's children , Sabzi F , Salehi Nahid ,etal
*2002 : correlation of complications and duration of hospitalization in men and weman after CABG, Sabzi F , Salehi Nahid .
*2003 : Antegrade – retrograde cold blood cardioplegia versus antegrade cardioplegia on myocardial Function after CABG , Masoomi M, Salehi Nahid
*2010 :(echocardiologist thesis)Pulmonary venous blood flow changes in young adults with ASD. score=excellent
*Evaluation & member judgment of committee in many MD & speciality thesis
* Evaluation of several articles published in Behbood (research journal of Kermanshah university of medical sciences)
Suporvision : (thesis)
Guidance attending :
* Evaluation of LV diastolic function in CAD patients before and after PCI
* Evaluation of correlation of RV dp/dt with functional capacity and RV function in rheumatic heart disease patients before and after cardiac surgury.
Consultant attending :
* Evaluation of LV diastolic function in post CABG,s patients before and after cardiac rehabilitation .
* effects of administration of GIK solution on Nt .pro BNP & Hs.CRP markers in patients with acute heart failure .
Work Experience:
* 1990-1993:As a general physicion in Iran university of medical science,Tehran , IRAN .
* 1997-2008:As an assistant professor of cardiology in Imam Ali Heart center , Kermanshah ,IRAN .
*2010 till persent : As a fellowship of Echocardiography in Imam Ali Heart center , Kermanshah , IRAN .
Selected Lectures:
*May 2001 = lecture in continuous medical education program for *general practitioners in Kermanshah,IRAN .
jul 2001 = Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), lecture for nursing students.
*Nov 2001 = lecture in second congress of prevention medicine, Kermanshah,IRAN .
*Aug 2004 = lecture in continuous medical education program in Kermanshah ,IRAN .
*Dec 2004 = cardiovascular drugs , seminar for GP's and internal medicine specialists, Kermanshah,IRAN .
*Feb 2005 = acute rheumatic fever,lecture in centinuous educational program for internists, Kermanshah ,IRAN .
*Dec 2006= cardiac emergencies , lecture for general physicions , Kermanshah,IRAN .
*Dec 2007 =cardiovascular treat ments,lecture for GP,s & internal medicine specialists , Kermanshah,IRAN .
*May 2011= cardiac arrhythmia,seminar for cardiologists, internists and GP,s ,Kermanshah ,IRAN .
*Nov 2011= coronary artery disease ,lecture for GP,s , internists and cordialogists , Kermanshah,IRAN .
Published Articles:
1 – Ante grade – Retrograde cold blood cardioplegia versus Antegrade cardio plegia on myocardial function after coronary artery bypass surgery published in Heart journal vol.3,N .2&3,summer& Autumn 2002 .
2- importance of posterior leads of Electroardiography in diagnosis of acute posterior myocardial infarction , published in Behbood , vol.6,No.1, spring 2002 .
3-Relation of Apolipoprotein and fibrinogen in offspring of parents with coronary artery disease in comparison with off springs of parents with valvular heart disease without coronary artery , sabzi F , Salehi N , etal as oral presention in the 2nd national congness of general heart and prevention Medicine , Kermanshah , IRAN .
Language skills :
Persion : Mother language
English : Relatively fluent