Personal Information
Name: Mostafa Bahremand
Birth: 25-6-1973,Khoy,Iran
Scientific Degree: Assistant professor of cardiology in kermanshah university of medical science IRAN
E mail:
Adress: Emam Ali Cardiovscular Center,kermanshah, IRAN
2007- Present : Practice as General cardiologist in Imam Ali Hospital (cardiovascular treatment ,education Research center ) ,Kermanshah . Assistant professor of cardiology
2006-2007 : working as specialist in general hospital , eslam abad , Iran
2001- 2005 : Speciality in cardiology ,Iran university of medical science (Shahid RAJAEE Hospital ) , Tehran , Iran
1991-2001: Doctor of medicine (MD) shahid beheshty university of medical science, Tehran , Iran
1991: Diploma in natural science , Nemooneh modarres high school , Khoy , Iran .
Routine activities
Educational visiting of hospitalized patients with stagers, interns & Residents.
Visiting patients in outpatient & university clinic
Performing Echocardiography ,Exercise test & coronary angiography
Educational activity : Teaching cardiovascular anatomy &physiology & CPR (for medical students)
Research Experience
1998 : MD thesis on `supra ventricular arrhythmias in acute MI cases`
Score: very good
2005: cardiologist thesis `indication & complications of Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) cases` in shahid Rajaee Haspital ,Tehran , Iran , score : very good
Work Experience
2005-2006 :chief of ccu ,post ccu & Emergency ward in Emam Khomeini Hospital , Eslam Abad ,IRAN
2006-present : visit all wards periodically , Emam Ali cardiovascular center ,kermanshah , IRAN
Selected lectures
July 2007 : `Drug therapy of HTN` seminar for GP`s & internists , kermanshah , Iran .
December 2007 : `IABP` seminar for GP`s &internists. Kermanshah , Iran
Feb 2008 : `Acute MI ` for nursing personnel , kermanshah , Iran .
Nov 2008 : ` tamponade ` seminar for GP`s & internists , kermanshah , Iran .
1999 : `general precautions in AIDS ` , seminar, Tehran , Iran.
2001 : `Basic research methodology ` two weeks course during residency , Tehran Iran .
Sep 2007 : `protection against radiation in medicine` a course held by Iran atomic agency .
Dec 2007 : `writing articles in English ` a two days workshop , kermanshah , Iran .
Nov 2008 : `Education skills ` a two days workshop , kermanshah , Iran .
Participation in national congresses
2002 & 2004 & 2006 : Congress of Iranian heart association . (paticip.) 2008 : Echocardiography symposium , Tehran , Iran