Personal Information:
First name: Masoumali
Surname: Masoumi
Date of birth: 25 / 09 / 1955
Nationality: Iranian
Marital Status: Married
Address: Emam Ali Cardiovascular, Kermanshah, Iran
Work address: Imam Ali Heart Center, Shahid Beheshty Boulvard, Kermanshah Iran
Educational Background:
- 1991-1994; Subspeciality in Cardiac Surgery, School of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran .
- 1982-1986; Speciality in General Surgery, School of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran .
- 1973-1980; Medical Doctor (MD), School of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Professional Training :
1994- A lot of different workshops on " ….. " …….
Employment /Professional experience:
2003-present; Associate Professor of Cardiac Surgery, School of Medicine, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and health services, Kermanshah, Iran.
1995-presnt; Member of Board Certificate Examiners in Cardiac Surgery of Iran.
1997-2008 ; Chief Editor of Behbood Medical Journal, Published by Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and health services, Kermanshah, Iran.
1994-present; Head of Cardiac Surgery Department, Medical School, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and health services, Kermanshah, Iran.
2003-present; Member of Editorial Board of Research Medical Journal, Published by Shahid Behashty University of Medical Sciences and health services, Tehran, Iran.
2001-present; Director of Imam Ali Heart Center, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and health services, Kermanshah, Iran.
2000-2008 ; Member of Research Ethic Committee of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and health services, Kermanshah , IRAN.
1986-1992; Chancellor of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and health services, Kermanshah, Iran.
2001 ; Founder of Heart Disease Prevention Organization (NGO) in Kermanshah Province , Kermanshah ,Iran.
2001- present ; Head of Heart Disease Prevention Organization (NGO) in Kermanshah Province , Kermanshah ,Iran.
2001-present ; Member of Iranian Society of Cardiac Surgeons.
1997-2002; Member of Research Committee of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and health services, Kermanshah, Iran.
2002-2005 ; Representative of Health Minister in Medical Education Council of Iran.
1996-2005 –Member of Research and I T Committee of Kermanshah province.
1994- Founder (Establishment) of Cardiac Surgery unit in Shahid Behshty Hospital in Kermanshah, Iran.
2001- Founder of Imam Ali Cardiovascular center in Kermanshah, Iran .
2003 - Founder of Imam Ali Cardiac Rehabilitation in Kermanshah, Iran.
Publications Books:
- Yousofnia Mohammd Ali, Masoumi Masoumali, Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Cardiac Surgery, Published by Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah ,Iran,1995 . (Persian)
- Masoumi Masoumali , Strategic planning in Medical and Non medical Units, (Persian) 2007 ,published in: Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and health services, Kermanshah ,Iran.)
- Masoumi M, Naalini M, Parsapour R: Health and physical activity ; Published in Kermanshah ,2006.
Published articles in English:
- Masoumi M: An Innovative Surgical Technique for Continuous Suturing of Prosthesis in Mitral Valve Replacement . Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran. Volume 16, Number 4 , February 2003 .189-191 .
- Masoumi M, Salehi N, Poormotaabed A, Zahedi Z, Abdoli GH: Antegrade-Retrograe Cold Blood Cardioplegia versus Antegrade Cardioplegia on Myocardial Function after Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery .Iranian Heart Journal , Tehran , Summer & Autumn ,Volume 3, Number 2&3 , 2002 ,19-23.
- Masoumi M, Solgy Gh., Pseudoaneurysm of Right Ventricle due to Localized Tuberculosis of Myocardium: A case report. Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, May 2002 Volume 16 Number 1, 47-49. (English)
- Masumi M, Saidi M. Delayed Left Ventricular Rupture following Mitral Valve Replacemen . Iranian Heart Journal , Iran .Volume 5,number 4,Winter 20004, 57-60 .
- Rezaei SH , Mostafaie A, Masoumi M , Rahimi H, Rezaie M J : The Frequency of Human Leukocyte Class II Antigen in Patients with Rheumatic Heart Disease in an Iranian Population. Iranian Heart Journal, Iran .Volume 6, Number 1,2 Spring- Summer , 20005, 83-88 .
- Masoumi M , Sabzi F, Jalili Z, Keshavarz F, Ghanbari M, Abdoli GH : Antegrade- Retrograde Cold Blood Cardioplegia versus Antegrade Cardioplegia on Myocardial Function after Tetrlogy of Fallot Repiar : Iranian Heart Journal, Iran . Volume 7, Number 1, Spring 2006 .15-20 .
- Bahrami Gh , Ghanbarian E , Masoumi M, Rahimi Z, Rezvan Madani F: Comparision of Fatty Acid Profiles of Aorta and Internal Mammary Arteries in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. Clinica Chemica Acta, 370 (2006) ,143-146 .
- Masoumi M, Saidi M R, Rostami F, Sepahi H, Roushani D : Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Left Ventricular Dysfunction . Asian Cardiovasc Thrac Ann, 20087 jan; 16(1):16-20 .
- Bahrami G, Masoumi M, Rahimi Z : Co-existence of fatty acids changes in aorta artery and adipose tissue ; comparison between CAD and non CAD patients. J Thromb Thrombolysis, 2008 Feb 1(Epub ahead of print)
- Masoumi M, Saidi MR, Rostami F, Sepahi, Roushani D : Off – pump coronary artery bypass grafting in left ventricular dysfunction. Asian Cardiovasc .Thorac Ann. 2008 Jan; 16(1): 16-20
- Bahrami G, Masoumi M, Rahimi Z: Co- existence of fatty acids changes in aorta artery and adipose tissue ; comparison between CAD and non CAD patients : J Thromb Thromblisis . 2008 Feb.
- Malek- Khosravi S, Kaboudi M, Masoumi M: Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease among the Oral Contraceptive Users in Kermanshah City of Iran .JPMA (Journal of the Pakistan medical association ) Letter to the E ditor , 2007,29th September.
- Masoumi M, Sabzi F; Suction ’s tip migration to internal iliac vein during cardiac surgery. Accepted for publication in : Iranian Heart Journal 2008.
Published articles in Persian:
- Kazerani H, Masoumi M.Total Oclusion Of Left Main Coronary Artery (Case report) ; Teb va tazkieh ,Medical Journal of Health Minster Iran, Autumn 1998
- Masoumi M, The Efect of Very Fresh Whole Blood in Reduction of Postoperative Bleeding after Open Heart Surgery. Behbood Medical Journal, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, and health services, Iran. Vol.3, No.1&2, Spring& Summer 1999.
- Masoumi M, The Effect of Intraaortic Balloon Pump in Low Cardiac Output Patients after Open Heart Surgery. Behbood Medical Journal, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and health services, Iran. Vol.4, No.1, Summer 2000.
- Bahrami GH, Rahimi Z, Masoumi M. Comparison of Adipose Tissue Fatty Acids in CAD and Non- CAD Patients. Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Iran. Vol. 7, No.1, Winter, 2000.
- Masoumi M, Diagnostic Value of Echocardiograpy in Mitral Valve Area Measurment of in Patients with Mitral Stenosis. Behbood Medical Journal, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and health services, Iran. Vol. 5, No.2, Autumn 2001.
- Masoumi M, Jalili Z, Sabzi F, Moradi B, Abdoli G, Siah F, Mozafari F ,Moradi P; Correlation of Premature Coronary Artery Disease in Parents with Dyslipidemia in their Children. Behbood Medical Journal, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and health services, Iran .Vol.7,No.2 Summer 2003.
- Solgi G, Jalili Z, Masoumi M, Sabzi F, Hemati M ;The Hemodinamic effect of Captopril on the Left to Right Shunt in VSD. Behbood Medical Journal, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences ,Iran .Vol.7,No.2 Summer 2003.
- Msoumi M, Saeidi M R,Piri F,Abdoli Gh R; Epidemiological Evaluation of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) in Patients Refferd to Cardiovascular Centers of Kermanshah. Behbood Medical Journal, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and health services , Iran .Vol.8,No.2 Summer 2004.
- Masoumi M, Moradi B, Nalini ; Effect of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Training Program on Body Composition and and Fat Distribution in Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) .Hakim Research Journal, National Research Center Of Medical Sciences Tehran Iran.Vol.8 No.3 Autumn 2005.
- Moradi B, Masoumi M, Nalini M , Nategh Sh ; Risk Factor Status of Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery .Kowsar Medical Journal, Iran Volume 10 (4), Winter 2006.
Papers Presented in Conferences/ Seminars:
Oral Presentations:
- Masoumi M; Intra Aortic Balloon Pump in Low Cardiac Output after Cardiac Surgery. 5th Iranian Congress of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, 30 April- 4 May 1998, Tehran, Iran.
- Hemati N, Niazi M, Masoumi M; Separation of Patients frome CPB (Cardiopulmonary Bypass). 5th Iranian Congress of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, 30 April- 4 May 1998, Tehran, Iran.
- Masoumi M; Rheumatic Heart Disease among 1550 Operated Patients in Kermanshah Heart Centers. First National Congress in General Health and Preventive Medicine, 23-25, Nov. 2000, Kermanshah, Iran.
- Masoumi M, Antegrade- Retrograde Cardioplegia on Myocardial function in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting.The Natinal Congress on Cardiovascular Update 15-18 June 2001, Tehran, Iran.
- Moloudi A, Masoumi- M; Surgical Repair of Coarctation of the Aorta -Immediate and Long-term Results. 13th Congress of Iranian Heart Association in Collaboration with the University of Viena Oct. 8-11,2002, Tehran, Iran.
- Masoumi M, Sabzi F, Jallili Z, Abdoli Gh , Keshavarz F , Ghanbari M ; Effect of Antegrade- Retrograde Cardioplegia on Myocardiol Function in Tetralogy of Fallot Repairing.The Third Congress of Iranian Society of Cardiac Surgeons.23-26 Sept, 2003. Tehran,Iran.
- Masoumi M; Strategic Management. National Congress of Management and Hospital Planning,Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and health services, 23,24 Feb. 2005, Kermanshah, Iran.
- Masoumi M, Shfiei M, Rostami F, Mohammadi F,Sepahi H :Beating heart CABG in Left Ventricular Dysfunction : The 4th International Congress of the Iranian Society of Cardiac Surgeons 16-19 Nov,2005, Tehran, Iran.
- Masoumi M, Bahrami GH, Iranian Oil and Cardiovascular Disease: The 4th International Congress of the Iranian Society of Cardiac Surgeons 16-19 Nov, 2005 Tehran , Iran.
- Masoumi M, Sabzi F, Roshani ,Mahdavi M :Inotropic Support in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting .7th National Congress on Cardiovascular Update.17-20 June 2005 Tehran, Iran.
- Parsapour R,Saeidi M, Masoumi M, Nalini M, Roushani D; Effect of Regular Exercise on Depression of Operated Patients(CABG),Referred to Rehabilitation Center of Imam Ali Heart Center. 4th International Congress of the Iranian Society of Cardiac Surgeons 16-19 Nov, 2005, Tehran, Iran.
- Masoumi M, Rostami F, Sepahi H, Roushani D: Off pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft in Left Ventricular Dysfunction. 15th Congress of Iranian Heart Association in Collaboration with French Society of Cardiology and Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery .Oct 31-Nov 3, 2006. Tehran, Iran.
- Masoumi M: Nursing role in Disease Mnagement, 15th Congress of Iranian Heart Association in Collaboration with French Society of Cardiology and Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery .Oct 31-Nov 3, 2006. Tehran, Iran.
Poster Presentations:
- Rahimi Z, Bahrami Gh , Masuomi M, Afrouz T - Analysis of Trans Fatty Acids in Platelet, Plasma, Aorta, Fatty Tissue, Internal Mammary Artery. 1st Eastern Mediterranean Congress on Preventive Cardiology and 10th Annual Iranian Congress of Cardiovascular Disease, May 2-5, 1977, Esfehan, Iran.
- Bahrami Gh , Masuomi M, Rahimi Z, Daraii Z,Mirzaii F, Khanian R ; Comparative Study of Fatty Acids Parofile during Atherosclerosis Development in Various Arteries . 1st Eastern Mediterranean Congress on Preventive Cardiology and 10th Annual Iranian Congress of Cardiovascular Disease, May 2-5, 1977, Esfehan, Iran.
- Rezai Sh, Mostafai A, Masuomi M, Rahi H; The Frequencies of Human Leukocyte Class II Antigens in Patients with Rheumatic Heart Disease in an Iranian Population. 1st Eastern Mediterranean Congress on Preventive Cardiology and 10th Annual Iranian Congress of Cardiovascular Disease, May 2-5, 1977, Esfehan, Iran.
- Masuomi M, A New Surgical Technique for Continuous Suturing of Mitral Valve Prosthesis in MVR. 11th Congress of Iranian Heart Association in Collaboration with Asian–Pacific Society of Cardiology. Oct. 22-25, 1998, Tehran, Iran.
- Masoumi M, Jallili Z,Moradi N,Mozaffari F, Abdoli Gh ; Relationship of CAD in Young Parents and Dyslipedemia of Their Offspring . 13th Congress of Iranian Heart Association in Collaboration with the University of Viena Oct. 8-11, 2002, Tehran, Iran.
- Sabzi F ,Masoumi M , Solgi Gh , Karbasi T, Abdoli G - Effect of Gender on Postoperative Outcomes and Hospital Stays after CABG. 13th Congress of Iranian Heart Association in Collaboration with the University of Viena Oct. 8-11, 2002, Tehran, Iran.
- Sabzi F, Masoumi M, Heidari Y, Jalili Z, Hemati N , Solgi Gh ,Abdoli Gh, Niazi M, Effect of Cardiopulmonary Bypass on Hepatic Function Tests . 13th Congress of Iranian Heart Association in Collaboration with the University of Viena Oct. 8-11, 2002, Tehran, Iran.
- Sabzi F, Masoumi M, Jalili Z, Abdoli Gh, Solgi Gh, Mozafari F; Assessment of Correlation between Apolipoprotein and Fibrinogen in Children of Patients with and without CAD . 13th Congress of Iranian Heart Association in Collaboration with the University of Viena Oct. 8-11, 2002, Tehran, Iran.
- Jallili Z, Masoumi M, Sbzi F, Solgi Gh, Shiroee A, Movahednia M, Zahedi Z ; Corelation Between ABO Blood Groups and Cardiovascular Disease. The Third Congress of Iranian Society of Cardiac Surgeons.23-26 Sept, 2003.Tehran, Iran.
- Masoumi M, Saeidi M, Piri F, Abdoli Gh; Epidemiologic Evaluation of Coronary Artery Disease in Kermanshah. The Third Congress of Iranian Society of Cardiac Surgeons.23-26 Sept, 2003.Tehran, Iran.
- Sabzi F, Masoumi M, Jallili Z, Niazi M, Moloudi A, Abdominal Complications in Open Heart Surgery. The Third Congress of Iranian Society of Cardiac Surgeons.23-26 Sept, 2003.Tehran, Iran.
- Moloudi AR, Masoumi M, Sabzi F; Evaluation of Bentall Operation (two year;s follow-up ,Kermanshah Experience). 14th Congress of Iranian Heart Association in Collaboration with British Cardiac Society. Nov. 23-26 2004. Tehran, Iran.
Awards & Honours:
- The First rank board certificate of Cardiac Surgery in Iran in 1994.
- Prominent faculty member of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and health services, Kermanshah, Iran. In the bellowing years:
- 1997, 1999, 2001 & 2003.
- Prominent researcher of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences and health services, Kermanshah, Iran. . In the bellowing years:
- 2002 & 2003.
- The best year Cardiac Surgeon of Iran In 2002 .
- Merit award for the best service in cardiac surgery in Kermanshah from Health Minister of Iran.(……)