Cardiac Catheterization Lab:
Emam Ali Cardiovascular Center have tow siemens cath lab with lowxry beam. More than 2,500 procedures are performed annually with state-of-the-art digital imaging equipment in our Cardiac Catheterization Lab. Our board certified cardiologists specialize in the early diagnosis and treatment of cardiac disease.
Services provided include diagnostic cardiac catheterization, angioplasty, intra coronary stenting (including the new drug eluting stents, which are coated with a drug to help prevent artery reblockage).
:Electrophysiology (EP) Lab
The Emam Ali Heart Center has one state of the art electrophysiology (EP) suites located on the sub ground in catheterization lab floor of the hospital, just down the hall from cardiac catheterization lab.
Studies and procedures dealing with the heart's electrical system are performed in these labs. EP studies allow physicians to diagnose causes of abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias) and determine the appropriate treatment.
Treatment may include pacemakers, defibrillators, medications or an ablation (elimination of the abnormal tissue) and I.C.D implantation.